
Him We Proclaim to the World

Cross Park doesn’t exist simply for our own good—God has called us to show and tell Jesus’ love to South Charlotte and to the world. We have several partnerships that allow us to carry out Christ’s call to local and worldwide missions. In South Charlotte, we partner with the Sharon Lakes community to host a weekly Bible camp for children. Internationally, we partner with El Shaddai Ministries to support the spread of the gospel in Haiti. Our sister church reaches the community in BonBon, Haiti, where we send teams each year on short-term trips. We also partner with an organization in East Asia, where we also send teams each year.

We also believe that God has placed us in Charlotte to be a church that sends people out, into their workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods. Additionally, we formally train and send people out as pastors, missionaries, and counselors, and into other full-time ministry jobs. Because of this, we believe in continuing to support these missionaries as they pursue the work that God has called them to do.

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City to City

City to City Latam is an instrument to evaluate, identify, accompany, train, coach and send church planters to see cities as their field of action and not just plant their churches.

CPC currently supports the Hub Development in Lima Peru  and its extension in  Quito Ecuador. CTC LATAM is expanding its ministry across all Latin America. CPC sent a team of members to Lima in 2023 to familiarize us with this opportunity. We came back with an enthusiastic endorsement of the work of CTC with its partner ministries in Lima. Multifaceted ministries with churches, agencies, iCafe, universities, communities, schools, arts and equipping 100s of people for a Gospel Movement is their heartbeat. We are privileged to come alongside the local leaders , Frances Castaneda and Julio Chang and partner in this region.

Also on the same trip in 2023, the group from CPC continued on to Quito Ecuador. In Quito, the work is also under the development of CTC LATAM with a primary local leader Carlos Cevallos. Carlos is pastoring a church as well as coordinating the extension of the gospel movement among like minded evangelicals in Quito. Dozens meet monthly for training and equipping to pass the good news of Jesus Christ to their community, families and churches.

Dony St. Germain

El Shaddai Ministries International

Dony St Germain and his wife Sharon are key church planting movement leaders in the island country of Haiti. Dony is the liason and representative to the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) for Haiti.

Cross Park’s Partnership with ESMI

Cross Park has partnered with Dony since 2011. In addition to monthly support, CPC has sent 1-2 short term trips per year to Jeremie, Haiti. Our focus is on outreach medical clinics and children’s ministry in the remote rural village of BonBon, and teaching in the seminary and University in Jeremie. The church at BonBon was established in 2011 like Cross Park. Through medical clinics that ESMI has done in that church, the church at Bon Bon has been able to plant 5 more “preaching points,” or places of worship without a building, in the remote hillside of that region. We have also partnered with the University that ESMI has started in Jeremie by sending doctors and pastors to teach on needed topics in the school of nursing and at the seminary.

Due to recent and current political unrest and gang violence, Cross Park is not currently planning mission trips to Haiti. ESMI continues its powerful work in Evangelism, Education, Economics, Empathy and is bearing much fruit. 

An Overview of ESMI

About ESMI

ESMI’s Mission is to be a Christ centered ministry filling Haiti with passionate church leaders and to establish a network of Haitian churches that are spiritually healthy, evangelical and self sustaining.
ESMI’s philosophy is developed around a holistic approach to ministering to the people of Haiti. It is based on the 4 “E’s”:

  • Evangelism — meeting spiritual needs through focus on Christ
  • Empathy — meeting physical needs
  • Economics — empowerment to be self-sustaining
  • Education — equipping for church and civic leadership
  • 60+ churches planted in Haiti
  • 29 schools with over 6,000 students
  • 10 children homes with 1,400 children
  • 5 medical clinics
  • Vocational training for older children
  • Computer labs for IT training
  • Seminary in Les Cayes and a new seminary in Jeremie.

West Charlotte Church at Freedom

Worship Service Location: 2701 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208 (Movement School Auditorium)

West Charlotte Church is a church in and for urban west Charlotte. They are a brand new and growing community of faith. Their mission is to love God, make disciples, and love our neighbors according to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Their vision is to be a church in and for urban west Charlotte devoted to biblical teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers (Acts 2:42).

Craig & Yumiko Chapin

Christ Bible Institute team
Nagoya, Japan

At age 14, Craig was convicted of the Lord’s call to mission. He kept that call before him through his teens and 20s, as the magnitude of the gospel grew in his understanding. At age 26, the Lord led Craig to Japan, and he has served Christ there for the better part of the past 35 years. Raised in a Buddhist family, Yumiko fell in love with classical music at an early age and studied at Kunitachi College of Music. In her mid-20s she met Christ through a church-run English school. Eight years later, she and Craig had their first date and married in 1999. The Chapins work with the Christ Bible Institute team in Nagoya, Japan—the third-largest city in the world’s second-largest unreached people group. Craig teaches New Testament at Christ Bible Seminary, serves as the seminary’s academic dean, and manages the seminary library. CBI’s vision is to see the gospel of the glory of Christ cherished and proclaimed throughout Japan. To this end, the seminary equips Christians in Japan for the work of gospel ministry. Yumiko is involved in Bible studies and employs her musical skills for the seminary and in church ministry, playing piano for worship services, for seminary ceremonies, and for choir rehearsals and concerts. In addition, she helps Craig to express biblical truths with sensitivity to the language and culture of Japan.

Haley Chitty

SIM and Cornerstone Counseling Foundation
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Haley serves as clinical director at Cornerstone Counseling Foundation, whose mission is to provide healing and hope for Christian workers in Thailand and throughout Asia. Haley’s ministry experience includes seven years of college campus ministry with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), followed by graduate studies in Christian Counseling at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte. She is currently pursuing her PhD from Gordon-Conwell.

Nick & Sarah DeVusser

Johnson & Wales University

Nick and his wife Sarah have lived in Charlotte since the summer of 2019. Nick is the RUF Campus Associate at Johnson and Wales University here in Charlotte. He is currently finishing up his Masters in Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte and hopes to work with RUF in the future as well. Nick and Sarah have one child, Miles, and one dog, Spurgeon.

Josh & Ashley Grimm

Queens University

Josh is from Charleston, SC, and graduated from Erskine College (where he was involved with RUF as a student) in 2009 with a BA in Bible/Religion and Philosophy. In 2010 Josh met Ashley at a wedding, and they married in 2012. That year they moved to Charlotte for Josh to go to seminary while Ashley began working as a nurse. Josh graduated from RTS Charlotte with an MDiv in 2015, and started RUF at Queens in 2016. Ashley and Josh have five children: Isaac (’16), Ruby (’18), Eliza (’19), Charlotte (’21), and Peter (’23). Among the many aspects of campus ministry Josh enjoys are meeting with students to talk about life over coffee or a meal, and playing a competitive game of spikeball!

Paul and Clare Hudson

Charlotte, NC

Paul and Clare have been serving in mission with SIM for 34 years! They first worked in southern Ethiopia doing medical outreach, community development. Due to the civil war there, they had to return to the US, but soon re-deployed to Nepal in the mid-90’s. There they did medical work and participated in outreach to Tibetan Buddhists. Clare’s breast cancer diagnosis brought them back home in 1997. At that point Paul began working globally with SIM’s ministries of compassion. He helped start SIM’s multi-country Hope for AIDS program; this enabled national partners and churches to care for the most marginalized by Gospel word and deed. They spent the decade between 2004-2013 in Asia, where Paul served as Regional Director for SIM’s work in 5 countries. Since 2014 they have worked in the US but with a global focus helping SIM to integrate health care ministries and Gospel outreach, as well as medical leadership development. Clare has worked in Member Care and counseling since 2008.

Bob and Karen Ihrig

Charlotte, NC

Bob & Karen worked in discipleship ministry in their churches for many years in the Northwest before moving north of Seattle so that Bob could attend Ministerial Study program while they continued to raise their children and teach God’s word in their local church and neighborhood.

Much to Bob & Karen’s surprise, the Lord called them to serve as missionaries as a Pastor/Builder and a Medical Assistant for SIM’s Medical project in South Sudan, Africa.

Bob was established as team leader for their first year in South Sudan. Caring for the missionaries, discipling his Sudanese workers while leading construction projects for SIM’s medical clinics and training local pastors was his passion.  As a certified medical assistant, Karen enjoyed training Sudanese men and women to care for severely ill and malnourished children, teaching her staff God’s Word and how to reach out to their community through a Community Health ministry.

When serious conflict broke out in South Sudan, Bob & Karen were asked to serve as leaders at SIM USA’s campus ministry here in Charlotte. Bob leads the Operational Services of SIM USA’s ninety acre campus, including buildings, grounds, venders, and campus volunteers. Bob continues to be recruited to teach and preach at SIM’s training events.

Bob & Karen enjoy using their Christian coaching skills to help believers thrive in their relationship with the Lord and others.

After 7 years of managing SIM’s Hospitality service for new and seasoned missionaries attending meetings and training on campus, Karen was recruited to SIM’s Member Care team where she uses her Christian coaching skills to care for and walk with missionaries serving overseas and in the USA.

Bob & Karen have been serving with Cross Park Church and SIM USA campus ministries for ten years now and look forward to many years to come.

Luke & Denise Johnson


Denise and Luke (along with their mission organization, SIM) are convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news. By God’s grace, they want to help make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known. They live in Chiang Mai, Thailand and serve by doing a little bit of everything. Luke is involved in video and media ministry, church-based community evangelism and discipleship, and does some behind-the-scenes administration. Denise is an RN and is the health advisor for SIM Thailand while also serving on the SIM Thailand missionary care team. The SIM Thailand team’s mission is “[To see] the unreached of Thailand authentically respond to the gospel and be discipled into biblically-based, community-transforming churches that engage in mission. Our mission is to make disciples where He is not yet known.” Ninety-nine percent of Thai people are not Christians. Most Thai people have never heard the good news of Jesus. Many communities have no churches.

Luke has been a member of Cross Park Church since it was planted. He has been with SIM since 2009 and lived in Asia since 2015. There, he met Denise, also a missionary, and they were married in 2017. They have three children. They also have a housekeeper named Wai who has become another member of the family. Please pray for Wai. Wai grew up in a Roman Catholic family but is not a practicing Christian.

Rev Charles A McKnight III


Charles has 15 years of pastoral ministry leadership experience. He co-planted West Charlotte Church (PCA) in the urban west Charlotte African American community. West Charlotte is the first and only African American-led PCA church planted by another African American-led church in denominational history (Christ Central Church, Rev. Howard Brown). He served as an Assistant Pastor at Christ Central Church prior toplanting West Charlotte.

Charles currently serves in the following denominational leadership roles:
• Coordinator of Missions to North America African American Ministries
• Executive Director of the Center for African American Church Planting
• Co-Host of the Between The Pew podcast.
• Advisory Committee member for the following: Missions to North America Unity Fund, Missions to The World, Covenant Seminary, the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Link Conference, and for the Central Carolina Presbytery Church Planting Committee

Charles has a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte), attended the US Naval Academy (Annapolis), and has degrees in English and African American Diaspora Studies from the University of North Carolina (Greensboro). Charles and his wife Charlotte have four children and he is the son of an AME Zion pastor.

Find out more about Charles and ways to connect to his ministry at charlesamcknight.com.

Tyler and Brooke Miller

Charlotte, NC

Brooke has served with Cru for over 18 years, stateside and abroad.  She currently provides training and support to 400 of Cru’s campus missionaries.  Cru’s mission is to win lost students and faculty to Christ, to build them up in their faith, and to send them out as Christ-centered laborers.  The mission matters and the missionaries matter, which is why Brooke is passionate about coming alongside them in the field, that they might thrive. In addition, she serves in evaluating and hiring new staff and interns, as well as coaching new international interns as they prepare to go to the world. In her spare time she loves being mom to two amazing kids and wife to Tyler who serves as an Assistant Pastor at Uptown Church.

Jeff & Gabby Neikirk

Jeff and Gabby both participated in RUF at Tennessee Tech (where they met!). Both of them grew tremendously in their faith during their time with RUF. During Jeff’s junior year, he began to feel a call to ministry; so once he graduated, he served with RUF for three years as an intern at Tennessee Tech. In 2023, Gabby and Jeff moved to Charlotte so he could attend seminary with the hope of returning to RUF as a campus minister. He currently is serving part-time at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC. Stay connected with them by subscribing to their emails.

Juan Rodriguez


Juan was born in Queens, NY to Colombian immigrants. He eventually moved to Waxhaw, NC. He attended NC State University where the Lord transformed his life and he became a Christian. He was immensely blessed by the ministry of RUF at NC State. Juan graduated from NCSU and later was blessed to work with RUF at UNC Chapel Hill as one of their campus interns. Upon finishing his time at Chapel Hill, Juan and his family returned to Charlotte to attend RTS Charlotte where he earned his master’s of divinity degree in 2024. Upon graduation, Juan accepted the call to be the campus associate at UNC Charlotte with RUF.
Juan is married to Kelsey, and they have a sweet daughter nicknamed EG. They eagerly expect the arrival of their baby boy in November (‘24). Juan has a variety of interests. He loves all kinds of sports, the great outdoors and a variety of board/card games. He also likes to take it easy with some reading and TV watching.

Cynthia Ruble

Global Outreach International

Advocating for Life
Serving Moms
Being a light in our community for Christ and His Kingdom
Life Hope Network, founded in 2005, provides phone, e-mail and face-to-face counseling for pregnant and post-abortive women. Cynthia also opens her home for pregnant women (“homestays”) who have no place to live. LHN runs a neighborhood cafe where previous and current homestays can work and hangout and which also serves as an outreach to the community. A church plant meets there on Sundays.
From its inception, LHN wanted to provide tangible help to the mothers, so the homestay portion is our heart. We regularly take in referrals from our local government and help both single mothers and mothers who choose adoption. Our post-abortion counseling is based on a gospel-centered study and we have seen many women move toward or come to Christ over the years. Our desire in all we do is to plant seeds that lead to salvation and bring glory to God.

Jase & Jana Tunell

Wycliffe Bible Translator
Central Indonesia

Jase and Jana worked in church ministry with youth and college students for 6 years in Minnesota before they moved to St. Louis so that Jase could attend seminary. It was during that time that they began to feel the Lord leading them to serve the global church in Bible Translation. Jase and Jana, and their three kids joined Wycliffe Bible Translator’s Convergence program in 2022 so that Jase could receive training to become a translation consultant.

Wycliffe’s mission is to serve with the global body of Christ to advance Bible translation so people can encounter God through his word. Today Bible Translation is experiencing exponential acceleration as local churches and communities work toward translating God’s Word into their language. Jase and Jana consider it a privilege to join alongside them in their work, helping to double check the translations for accuracy, clarity and naturalness.

In July 2024 they moved to central Indonesia to attend language school for a year. After that they will move to Sulawesi (another island) where Jase will continue in his consultant training and work with a local translation center to assist with various translation projects. Indonesia is currently the 4th most populated country in the world and has over 200 languages without any Scripture translated.

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