JOIN US ON SUNDAYS | Spring Schedule | Sunday School @ 9:30AM | Worship @ 10:30AM
Series: Thriving in Engaging the People Around You
Format: Adult Seminar
Clay Smith
Thriving in Engaging the People Around You – Week 2
April 29, 2018
Teacher: Dr. Patrick Fillnow
Thriving in Engaging the People Around You – Week 11
April 22, 2018
Teacher: Rev. Thadd Davis
April 15, 2018
Teacher: Dr. Paul Hudson
Thriving in Engaging the People Around You – Week 9
April 8, 2018
Teacher: Dan Emmons
March 25, 2018
Teacher: Ben Wright
Thriving in Engaging the People Around You – Week 6
March 11, 2018
Teacher: Rev. Dr. James Anderson