Alongside Families exists to connect isolated families in the Carolinas to local church communities that champion family preservation and physical, spiritual, and emotional thriving. Cross Park Church families! Find out how YOU can join the team and help isolated families in Charlotte thrive in the gospel. Register to join one of two upcoming Zoom information meetings on Monday, 10/9 from 12-1PMor Monday, 10/9 from 7-8PM. Joining the meeting will not automatically commit you to serve, but it will open up a window for you to see how you might be able to! Please feel free to reach out to Michelle Clarke (704-771-0273 or with any questions.

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Alongside Families Informational Meeting
October 9, 2023
What if…
* we could stop child abuse and neglect before it starts?
* children could be kept safe during times of family crisis without unnecessarily entering the foster care system?
* it was a dignifying experience for parents to request and receive help?
* parents were connected to support instead of socially isolated?
* the Body of Christ stood in the gap for family preservation?