Women’s Ministry

Get Involved

At Cross Park, we know how important it is for women of all ages to learn from and minister to one another through studying the Bible, praying together, and enjoying times of relaxation and fun. We have a number of women’s discipleship groups with both morning and evening times and locations. And we also host a number of events throughout the year where we can get to know one another. Below you can find all the latest information about our studies and upcoming events. We’d love for you to join us!

Contact our Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Katherine Barringer, with any questions.

Upcoming Events

Women’s Prayer

April 5 @ 9:00 am - 10:15 am

Women’s Prayer

May 3 @ 9:00 am - 10:15 am

Women’s Prayer

June 7 @ 9:00 am - 10:15 am


Cross Park women gather to pray for our church–its leaders, ministries, missionaries–and for any prayer concerns submitted to us specifically each month.  Our weekly announcements will keep you updated on upcoming dates for these gatherings but we typically gather the first Saturday of every month.  Please join us!  For more info, or to contact us with specific requests, e-mail Wendy at wkshank62@gmail.com. We will continue to meet at the home of Wendy Shank (503 Courtney Lane, Matthews 28105) or on Zoom from 9-10:15 AM.

Women’s Groups

Women’s Groups are weekly gatherings (options for both morning and evening) where we meet in person to connect over God’s Word and prayer.

We believe there is deep value in women of all ages learning from and ministering to one another through studying the Bible, praying together, and enjoying fellowship and true connection as we experience life transformation by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:2).

If you are interested in being in a Women’s Group, please email Katherine Barringer.

Women’s Care Team

The Women’s Care Team exists so that you can ask one of them for help in figuring out how to move forward if you aren’t sure where to go for care and counsel. Whether you are feeling stuck spiritually, facing challenging circumstances, or struggling with sin, the WCT is a resource to you. You can contact one of these women directly, or you can always email women@crossparkchurch.org to get connected with someone who can help you.

Katherine serves as the Women’s Ministry Coordinator and leads the WCT.
Amanda is truly honored to be able to serve Cross Park through the WCT.
Michelle is eager to use her gifts and experience to encourage women.
Rachel is committed to caring for the needs of women.
Nicole Milks
Nicole Milks
Nicole is a native of Charlotte, and moved back to her hometown with her husband in 2018 when they began attending Cross Park Church.
Wendy is an avid scripture memorizer, straight talker, Bible study host, and women’s prayer facilitator.

Women’s Ministry Updates

Receive important updates and information about upcoming events for women and ways to serve at Cross Park.